We now offer party packages for 5, 10, 15, & 20, 25, 30 & 35 children
DON'T SEE THE TIME YOU WANT? GIVE US A CALL, WE CAN POSSIBLY MAKE IT HAPPEN FOR YOU! HAVE QUESTIONS??We've got answers...BE SURE TO READ THE PARTY FAQ'S TAB .If you don't see it, give us a call at 803-320-3547Other important notes: BE SURE TO READ THE PARTY FAQ's TAB Important Party Booking Policy Socks are required for everyone in the play area—including adults! This rule is strictly enforced to maintain a clean and sanitary environment. To ensure an enjoyable experience for all our guests, a reserved birthday party is required to open gifts, serve cake, and utilize the party areas. Hosting unforgettable celebrations is a cornerstone of our business, and we appreciate your understanding and cooperation! |
Once you have edited your photo, feel free to share with loved ones via text. You can also send your local photo printer like CVS or Walgreens for inexpensive prints. Often times people will create a Facebook event to invite guest and send out updates. This invitation can be added to the social media event.
NOTE: Each week one of these two photo shops has a 50% off coupon. Be sure to see which one has the deal.